Animal Hunt

18th May 2023

On the 16th May, Year 4 went on a walk around the school to look for different vertebrates and invertebrates. They took different equipment with them including nets, pooters, bug viewer jars and hand magnifying glasses. They found different animals like slugs, woodlice, worms, beetles, butterflies, and cockroaches.

‘We even found animals we didn’t think were in this school, like a lobster,’ one of the students was heard saying.

We later found out it was actually a crayfish.

When they got back to class, they put the magnifying glasses to task as they got to observe the features of different invertebrates more closely. What a day that was!

By Chege, Zuri and Mariella (4B)

Cambridge International Examinations
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Tanzanian International Schools Association